The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament, by Moulton and Milligan

| Updated: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 | Tagged: greek, nt, lexicon, language.

A typically informative blog post from my colleague Larry Hurtado prompts this addition of the venerable “MM” to the BibleRefShelf. The full title of James Hope Moulton and George Milligan’s work, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament Illustrated from the Papyri and other Non-Literary Sources, describes its contents nicely.

Hurtado writes:

Essentially a lexicon of NT vocabulary found also in “non-literary” papyri (e.g., letters, legal documents, etc.), this impressive work first appeared in 1930, and has been reprinted many times subsequently (although a check just now on suggests that it is out of print currently).

There is, quite simply, nothing else out there like it.

To take his advice (“all serious students of the Greek NT should become familiar with it”), you can consult the only copy available on — which is the Hodder and Stoughton edition of 1929.