New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods, ed. by I. Howard Marshall

| Updated: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 | Tagged: nt.

This is not from! Rob Bradshaw has produced a PDF of the 1979, revised edition, of this interesting volume; it seemed too good not to note here.

The book originally appeared in 1972, and received warm reviews, even if Marshall explicitly identified the contributors as ‘conservative evangelicals’. Indeed, the review by C. F. D. Moule (Journal of Theological Studies 29.2 (1978): 530–532) used James Barr’s then recent Fundamentalism volume as the framework for his comments. Moule judged that, in spite of ‘unevenness’, ‘the contributors all maintain a high standard of excellence’. Moule concluded:

Altogether, this is an impressive collection of essays, some necessarily of a routine character, but some of it fresh and original; and even a reader who does not share the presuppositions of the more conservative contributors has very much to learn from their essays.

I. Howard Marshall (ed.), New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods. Revised edition; Carlisle: Paternoster, 1979.

Many thanks to Rob Bradshaw and Paternoster for placing this valuable work online.